UPS corporate office is located in Georgia. More information for UPS is listed below including their address, phone number, customer reviews, and complaints.
How to Contact UPS Corporate Office Headquarters HQ
United Parcel Service
UPS Headquarters Address:
55 Glenlake Parkway, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30328 USA
UPS Corporate Phone Number:
More Phone Numbers and Contact Information:
UPS Main Office Fax Number: 1-404-828-7666
UPS Email and Chat: Contact Page
Stock Symbol: UPS
UPS Customer Support Phone Number: 1-800-742-5877
Company Profile and Bio:
UPS is famous for shipping parcels worldwide. UPS is the largest package shipper in the world. UPS’s main competitor is FedEx, DHL, Saia, Amazon and the US Postal Service USPS. UPS also faces competition from Ontrac and JB Hunt.
UPS’s toll-free phone number is 1-800-742-5877. The company does encourage users to use its technical support system and help forums on its website.
Maps and Directions To UPS Corporate Headquarters and UPS World Headquarters
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