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  • Reach McDonalds Corporate Office

Reach McDonalds Corporate Office 

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McDonald’s corporate address is located in Illinois. McDonald’s is the largest fast-food chain in the world.

How to Contact McDonald’s Corporate Office Phone Number and Headquarters HQ

McDonald’s Corporate Address

110 N Carpenter St, Chicago, IL 60607 USA

Mcdonald’s Phone Numbers and Contact Information

Mcdonald’s Corporate Office Phone Number: 1-630-623-3000
McDonald’s Head Office Fax Number: 1-630-623-5700
McDonald’s Home Office Email: Use Website
Corporate Stock Symbol: MCD
Website: https://www.mcdonalds.com

About McDonald’s

McDonald’s is a famous for its fast food restaurants that serve hamburgers. McDonald’s main competitors are Burger King, Wendy’s, Chic-Fil-A, KFC and Taco Bell.

McDonald’s Customer Support Phone Number Number is 1-800-244-6227. The company does encourage users to use their technical support system and help forums on their website.

McDonald's Corporate Office
McDonald’s Office and Phone Number

Maps and Directions To McDonalds Main Office


CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not associated with McDonalds. This website is for information, reviews, feedback, ratings, and complaints purposes only. Information was verified by a live person. Please report any errors to the webmaster.

McDonalds Customer Complaint

July 13, 2024

I stopped at the McDonalds in Woodland Park, CO to get lunch. I ordered a Big Mac along with fries and a large drink. When I got my order I was disappointed as to the size of the Big Mac and fries. First of all, the so called large fries was a disappointment. They didn’t even fill the fries up to the lowest point of the box. Now, as to the Big Mac, the meat was lacking . If you put the 2 patties together, may be, maybe they might measure up to 1/4 of an inch. Each patty might measure 1/8 of an inch. Totally lacking in size and content.


McDonalds Woodland Park CO

July 13, 2024

Complaint about the Big Mac. I stopped at the McDonalds in Woodland Park, CO to get lunch. I ordered a Big Mac along with fries and a large drink. When I got my order I was disappointed as to the size of the Big Mac and fries. First of all, the so called large fries was a disappointment. They didn’t even fill the fries up to the lowest point of the box. Now, as to the Big Mac, the meat was lacking . If you put the 2 patties together, may be, maybe they might measure up to 1/4 of an inch. Each patty might measure 1/8 of an inch. Totally lacking in size and content.


McDonalds Princeton WV Horrible

January 22, 2024

I will never understand why the Mcdonalds on Stafford Drive in Princeton WV is run so poorly. They always have tons of employees but they are just standing around talking. The drive-through is always backed up and this morning I went in to order and the manager said our register is down so we can’t help you. One would think since I had waited that they would take my order and ring me up on the drive-through register. But instead, he said well if you want to order you will have to go wait in the drive-through. Meanwhile, there was an employee outside smoking and another worker was hanging out the door asking him what he wanted to eat. How about worrying about what your customers need first? This Mcdonalds is so poorly ran and is absolutely horrible the way they do things.


McDonalds Why Be Open

January 18, 2024

Why be open? Whats the point of being open 24 hours if you won’t cook anything past 2?


McDonalds Broken Frappe Machine

January 12, 2024

The McDonalds in Fort Morgan Colorado has had a broken Frappe machine. It has been broken down for at least 3 to 4 months. WHY? I realize Ft Morgan Colorado is not a big city but we deserve, and want the machine repaired. If McDonald’s is the top fast food franchise, wouldn’;t you think they could afford to get the machine fixed in a timely manner? 3 to 4 months is NOT timely and unacceptable. Gosh, maybe McDonald’s could afford a new machine?? This is an extremely irritating issue. The employees are irritated as well. I would like to get a personal reply regarding this overdue problem not a computer-standard reply. Thank you and sorry to be so upset. Just want a McDonalds caramel Frappe.

Corporate Office Headquarters