Menards main office is located in Eau Claire, WI USA. More contact information for Menards is listed below.
How To Contact Menards Corporate Office Headquarters HQ
Menards Corporate Address:
Menards HQ: 4777 Menard Drive Eau Claire, WI 54703-9604 USA
Menards Employment Center
4605 Mill Run Rd, Eau Claire, WI 54703 USA
Menards General Office Phone Numbers and Websites
Menards Home Office Phone Number: 1-715-876-5911
Customer Service For and Stores Write To: Attn.: Customer Service 5101 Menard drive Eau Claire, WI 54701
Menard Headquarters Fax Number: 1-715-876-2868
Menards Big Card Care and Support Phone Number: 1-800-871-2800
Contractor and Commercial Accounts: 1-800-880-6318
Maps and Directions to Menard’s Corporate Office
Menards Competition
Menards faces stiff competition from companies like The Home Depot and Lowe’s, Other competitors include ACE Hardware, TrueValue, and Do it Best.
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