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  • Reach Progressive Corporate Office Headquarters

Reach Progressive Corporate Office Headquarters 

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Progressive Corporate Office in the United States is headquartered in Mayfield Village, Ohio. Below are comprehensive details about Progressive Insurance’s corporate office, including their address, contact numbers, and a brief overview of the company.

How To Contact Progressive Headquarters HQ

Progressive Insurance HQ: Overview


Progressive Corporate Office

Maps and Directions To Progressive Insurance Main Office

A Snapshot of Progressive Insurance’s History

Founded in 1937, Progressive Insurance is one of the largest providers of car insurance in the United States. The company is known for its innovative approaches to auto insurance, such as offering the first drive-in claims office and the first usage-based insurance program.

The Insurance Industry and Progressive Insurance’s Position

In the highly competitive insurance market, Progressive Insurance competes with other major insurers like State Farm, Farmers, Liberty Mutual, GEICO, and Allstate. Progressive sets itself apart with its focus on technology and customer service, offering features like online policy management, rate comparison tools, and the Snapshot usage-based insurance program.

Progressive Insurance’s Customer-Centric Approach

Progressive Insurance’s success is driven by its commitment to offering affordable, innovative insurance solutions and superior customer service. The company’s efforts to adapt to customer needs and utilize technology for convenience and efficiency have helped it maintain a strong position in the insurance industry.

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At CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com, we strive to deliver precise and up-to-date information on various corporations. Our commitment to accuracy ensures our readers can rely on the information we provide about companies like Progressive Insurance.


CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not affiliated with Progressive Insurance. This content is for informational purposes and is designed to offer a platform for reviews and user feedback.

Progressive Insurance Corporate Office Complaints, Reviews and Feedback

We encourage you to share your experiences with Progressive Insurance’s corporate services. Your feedback in the comment section is invaluable, providing insights that help others understand Progressive Insurance’s operations and customer service.

Progressive Disappointing Customer Service

February 3, 2025

Progressive, Incompetence of Progressive personnel. Ms. Griffith, President of Progressive. I am personally writing to you for your assistance or intervention on the uppermost problem my wife & I recently encountered with your company regarding my quote with Progressive pertaining to my 2022 Honda CR-V Hybrid Touring that I leased back in 2022 with only 4 miles on it in mint condition. To briefly explained, I went to your website to ascertain a quote on my Honda SUV. In supplying all the pertinent information that was required my custom package reveal the following, First Payment $44.54, Today Then $112.30 For 5 Months. Paid In Full $549.00 With this information I saved & proceeded to buy this policy. However, I was given a totally different quote for $50.17, $126.37 5 Month or paid in full $617.00 which is quite a difference. My next step was to call Progressive & speak with a live agent on this discrepancy. I was forward to a Kenneth ext 4406201759 in which I gave him what I just encountered. In looking up this information I was specifically informed that my VIN # had certain inconsistencies which could be the Title, Damage & this one beats them all. 5 Drivers driving my lease CR-V Hybrid. I cannot tell you how Shocked this took me back on a brand new vehicle I leased. After going back & forth with Kenneth I called my Honda dealership & explained to the Manager what was relayed to me from your company. If this was so first Honda could be sued & lose their license doing business with the buying public. Just to let you know I took a picture of the miles before signing my lease and it showed four (4) miles. Nowhere the above aforementioned ever happen. Sorry to say this does not support what I was told & shows the incompetence of Progressive personnel. I am a forty year old retired disable Military Veteran who served my country with honor & trust. I am also the President of my VA chapter who many of my brothers & sisters purchase their products from your company. They too have experience in some kind of form in reaching out to your company the same dilemma which needs to be address or you will be losing many loyal customers from doing business with your company. It is my hope we can established a resolution on this matter. We are both in our late seventies and this has been an hardship regarding this matter. Anything that Progressive can do to contribute will be greatly appreciated.

Barton Sherman

Progressive DIsappointing Issue

January 24, 2025

Progressive, Charging unnecessary money. I loved Progressive, I want to come back, but I don’t have the extra $108.00 to pay. Why are they charging me for insurance that I don’t owe? I had Farmers Insurance when someone charged me Progressive charges. I called but they say I owe. I do not owe. Please wave the $108.00 and I will leave State Farm which I have had for over 5 years now. Can you make it happen? I do not owe, always been covered my life time. No accidents, Seniors discount, Excellent driving record….Do you want me back? Or not.

Anita Darlene Keys

Progressive DIsappointing Issue

December 26, 2024

Progressive, A disappointing start. I purchase recently a police with Progressive 2 weeks a go. The agent told me that he was going to cancel my existing police with Geico. The result he did not do that and Geico charge me for a fee for canceled my self. I don`t complain about the fee, I complain for the lack of responsibility of that agent, if he couldn`t do the cancelation, he should have say so. This poorly reflects on Progressive customer service.

Ivan Burgueno

Progressive Disappointing Customer Service

November 6, 2024

Progressive, Bad faith company. So, first, let me be the first to say I can relate to all the comments left behind on this page. I have had so many issues with Progressive and I was trying to remain with one company however, they have made it impossible to remain. I have had coverage removed from my vehicle without permission and Progressive denying that they were at fault. One huge mistake when trying to get over someone in law is to attempt to jive them around. So, I am in preparation of a bad faith claim with them and I highly suggest that all of you know what a bad faith claim is and how to pursue this option. You definitely have options, please do not feel counted out as if you do not have options when life hits us whether your fault or not, if you pay for services you should definitely receive the services you pay for; I have been a victim of identity theft, my credit was affected because Progressive made me pay a bill on a car that someone was allowed to add a new policy and change the terms of a policy I held. Progressive got away with it at the time but I am ready and coming for them now. I hope this helps.

Nyeshi Moore Mercado

Progressive Disappointing Customer Service

November 4, 2024

Progressive, Great until you actually need them! My daughter was stopped in traffic, was hit from behind going 40 mph, then hit again when the person behind her was hit. Of course, the 2nd car didn’t admit guilt (although she felt 2 hits) so they blamed the 3rd car, which also has Progressive. Found out they didn’t have enough coverage for both vehicles (only 10K) and both were 2022 models. No one contacted us once the claim was filed for days! I was the one to send both companies the police report (which incorrectly laid all blame on car #3 Progressive car), so I stated this to the agent we were assigned, Kavera Walker. First, getting a return or response took forever and then the first 2 times she had me mixed up for a different claim, therefore her discussion with different types of vehicles and other insurance company, I was lost. Then, she asks for pictures and videos of our vehicle, which we send (4 times!!!!!!!) and she asked me 3 times if my policy was paid in full and what insurance company I had before! She was completely unorganized, and her TV or radio blaring in the background didn’t help the matter. It would be days and days before I would hear anything – I would reach out and they stated still waiting on who is liable. Finally, she told me she is moving forward with a claim under my own policy since the other Progressive member didn’t have enough coverage. Although I was completely frustrated with this option, I just wanted to know if we could get a rental car under the other person’s policy as I didn’t have that coverage. She told me I would have to file under State Farm (car #2 insurance) – State Farm wouldn’t even talk to me! So, I called again weeks later (at this point I am without a vehicle for 4 weeks) I called her again – she rudely told me she was done, she is pulling the claim she started, and I can figure it out for myself! I was like what?? Long story shorter – I eventually had a meltdown, got on the phone with CS, they transferred me to an ADMIN secretary who took all my complaints and said her manager will contact me, Sheldon Stewart. Well, he was kind on the first call, did call back the next day when he said, they I just never heard from him again!! Later to find out that he wasn’t her supervisor, after he stated he would discuss this matter with her! The icing on the cake was when I finally picked up my car (which still is right) they stated I need to pay my deductible – I just started laughing and said nope, not doing that!! (it was eventually waived) The Only Person That Has Helped Me Is Travis Williamson – He Is An Estimator….He Has Answered My Call Everytime, Kindly, Friendly And With A Response! The rest of the team is useless! They are rude and lack empathy. Needless to say, I am taking to corporate!

Corporate Office Headquarters