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  • Reach Samsung Corporate Office Headquarters

Reach Samsung Corporate Office Headquarters 

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Samsung Corporate Office in the United States is located in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. Below are details about Samsung USA, including their address, contact numbers, and a brief overview of the company.

How To Contact Samsung USA Corporate Office Headquarters

Samsung USA Heaquarters: Overview

Samsung Corporate Office HQ

Maps and Directions To Samsung Corporate Headquarters


Samsung USA’s Position

Samsung USA competes with major tech companies like Apple, LG, Dell, and Sony.


CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not affiliated with Samsung Electronics America, Inc. This content is for informational purposes and is designed to offer a platform for reviews and user feedback.

Do not buy a samsung product

January 4, 2024

Warning warning Warning do not buy from Samsung no support just the run around. Their repairman fixed nothing but he did damage my fridge, baseboard, and kitchen cabinets. As of today fridge has not been repaired and the damage to my home and fridge has still not been resolved. My fridge is under a year old.


I love Samsung America

December 6, 2023

My dream and aim of If ever I could visit the Samsung headquarters, whatever my dream goal is, I would like to see your office.

If we spend money, only the headquarters of Samsung in the United States

Md sadek Hossain

Samsung Frustrating Customer Service

February 12, 2025

Samsung, No help. I just bought 2 sets a 50″ and 43″ UHD 4K du7200 Series HDR. Do these have audio output for head phones? If not I will return them. I called Samsung support they they don’t know and hung up on me.

David Harrris

Samsung Frustrating Refrigerator Issues

February 7, 2025

Samsung, Refrigerator a piece of Junk! Home Depot delivered a 25 cft refrigerator to my niece in January 2024. It died in March 2024. They fixed it yet it died again on Monday 2/3/25. They never paid for groceries lost and is now saying they will fix it. I want it gone. Seems Samsung sells Junk. Made several calls no positive response. My next step is to go to the Department of Consumer Affairs and file a complaint. No company should be allowed to cheat citizens. Repairman refuses to take it. I hope they disappear completely.

Liz Mangan

Samsung Frustrating Customer Service

January 27, 2025

Samsung is an atrocious company with terrible customer service gatekeepers who do nothing but run you around to no resolution. I have made several calls now to Samsung relating to a service call for my washer. Ultimately my ticket was canceled in error. I requested a new company to service my washer but was told they contract with only one company in my service area. Due to a series of mishaps I have no trust in neither the contracted service center and Samsung. I have repeatedly asked to speak with a resolution manager or complaint department to hear my situation because clearly changes should be made. This company is Not customer oriented, not willing to understand that there is a real problem needing to be addressed, and are only telling me that a company of their magnitude has no complaint resolution department to speak of. I was told I could document a complaint through what is actually a survey only. I was given a phone survey at the end of my call and one of the questions was “how likely am I to recommend Samsung products to a colleague or friend?” Press 10 for very likely or 0 for not likely (as well as 1-9 on the continuum). I pressed 0 and it “did not get my response. It repeated the question and again I pressed 0. Again it did not get my response and repeated the question. At this point I thought they are not going to accept this answer so the third response I pressed 1. The phone call/survey was disconnected. Absolutely 0 shits are given by anyone I spoke with. I Will Never Purchase Another Samsung Product. Buy American products because President Trump will grab the bull by its horns and Fix It!

Vicky Gillikin
Corporate Office Headquarters