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  • Samsung Corporate Office

Samsung Corporate Office 

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Samsung Corporate Office in the United States is located in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey. Below are details about Samsung USA, including their address, contact numbers, and a brief overview of the company.

How To Contact Samsung USA Corporate Office Headquarters

Samsung USA Heaquarters: Overview

Samsung Corporate Office HQ

Maps and Directions To Samsung Corporate Headquarters


Samsung USA’s Position

Samsung USA competes with major tech companies like Apple, LG, Dell, and Sony.


CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not affiliated with Samsung Electronics America, Inc. This content is for informational purposes and is designed to offer a platform for reviews and user feedback.

Do not buy a samsung product

January 4, 2024

Warning warning Warning do not buy from Samsung no support just the run around. Their repairman fixed nothing but he did damage my fridge, baseboard, and kitchen cabinets. As of today fridge has not been repaired and the damage to my home and fridge has still not been resolved. My fridge is under a year old.


I love Samsung America

December 6, 2023

My dream and aim of If ever I could visit the Samsung headquarters, whatever my dream goal is, I would like to see your office.

If we spend money, only the headquarters of Samsung in the United States


Samsung OLED TV Issues

April 29, 2024

Dear CEO Please address the following issues: 1. Samsung OLED TV. Model No: QA65S90CAKXXS. Serial No: OQ893 NJW 900161A was purchased on 8 October 2023 at around $4000. 2. Why are there 3 faulty break downs within 2 months? 3. First faulty break down, red line 4. Second faulty breakdown – volume is uncontrollable, soft to loud. 5. Third faulty breakdown – cant be switched on 6. I want to know why this set has broken down 3 times within a span of 2 month each time. 7. While my family and I can’t watch TV till you technician comes on Tuesday (30 April) between 12 to 3pm, Samsung has to reimburse me for the days that we can’t watch because the provider will still charge me. 8. I want a guarantee from Samsung that this set particularly won’t break down again within 2 months or at all 9. if it does breakdown again, I am asking for a new TV set to be replace because this set is definitely faulty. Did you have any issues recieing my payment? Likewise, I should not have any issue with the TV set I bought. 10. I will pursue with the courts and other government agencies on this faulty model and informed other consumers who has faulty Samsung products to do likewise. 11. I will begin blasting on social media platform to inform consumers not to purchase Samsung TV because they are cheating consumers with bad quality TV. 12. Samsung even does not have the service to fix my TV on Monday (29 April) after all the breakdowns. Looking forward to hear your response.

Dear CEO

Please address the following issues:

1. Samsung OLED TV. Model No: QA65S90CAKXXS. Serial No: OQ893 NJW 900161A was purchased on 8 October 2023 at around $4000.

2. Why are there 3 faulty break downs within 2 months?

3. First faulty break down, red line

4. Second faulty breakdown – volume is uncontrollable, soft to loud.

5. Third faulty breakdown – cant be switched on

6. I want to know why this set has broken down 3 times within a span of 2 month each time.

7. While my family and I can’t watch TV till you technician comes on Tuesday (30 April) between 12 to 3pm, Samsung has to reimburse me for the days that we can’t watch because the provider will still charge me.

8. I want a guarantee from Samsung that this set particularly won’t break down again within 2 months or at all

9. if it does breakdown again, I am asking for a new TV set to be replace because this set is definitely faulty. Did you have any issues recieing my payment? Likewise, I should not have any issue with the TV set I bought.

10. I will pursue with the courts and other government agencies on this faulty model and informed other consumers who has faulty Samsung products to do likewise.

11. I will begin blasting on social media platform to inform consumers not to purchase Samsung TV because they are cheating consumers with bad quality TV.

12. Samsung even does not have the service to fix my TV on Monday (29 April) after all the breakdowns.

Looking forward to hear your response.


Samsung New Dishwasher Issue

April 19, 2024

My dishwasher that I bought December of 2023 was installed. I have called numerous times on tickets with no resolution whatsoever. Still having issues. Still getting the runaround from your service technicians and it’s a. It’s a shame that someone had spun money on a dishwasher and the representatives to fix the appliances. That is only 4 months old is still being dealt with your service technician. Your service call center 24 to 48 hours is bull crap. No customer should have to wait 24 to 48 hours and still not have a resolution. Still dealing with the same issue. What’s even worse is you get the run around. I am getting water and I am getting steam and I am getting an alert of c4 yet your technicians cannot resolve the problem. I’ve been having a lot of problems with your Samsung dishwasher. I have called in four different tickets. I have only seen one technician every time I call I’m being told everything that I do takes a 24 to 48 hour time frame. I called 2 weeks ago regarding this dishwasher going mid-cycle and then popping up with a c4. I was told from the very first technician I was not getting water that I had to go and turn off Icebreaker unkink the hose that was not kinked purchase another hose. We did everything we were told to do. The dishwasher is still doing the same running mid-cycle and then popping up c4. I’ve asked for a new dishwasher. I paid for an installment that was not installed by the technicians because they were uneducated. As far as old piping, it’s a shame that we work as hard as we do to get the appliances and then we have to go through pure hell just to get a service technician who knows his job to come to the house yet we have to wait 24 to 48 hours on something we purchased. You received the money and we still can’t use it because it does not work properly!


Samsung Customer Service Issue

February 26, 2024

Need to have consistent information! Week one. 58 inch screen defective ,still under warranty…. Experience began very positive, with a plan to take care of things.

Unable to locate same model or size….substitution discussed, another plan…..

Week 2. Still waiting…..communication maintained.

Informed the truck does not deliver to NY state…….????????

Asked about refund….later date provided with figure. was not enough to get anything

comparable,,even used.

Week 3 Requested refund for resolution… Was told it may be up to what I was told earlier and my displeasure was noted. I was also informed not to dispose of old unit and a truck will pick it up then refund will be issued. A truck….hmmmm must be they can get but not deliver.

Week 4. Waiting to hear from trucking co. for pickup.

This has not been pleasant by any means and the fact that no one could give an answer made it worse……..

I will be tv shopping .

Corporate Office Headquarters