Affordable Dentures Corporate Office is located in North Carolina. More information to reach out to Affordable Dentures is listed below, including the Affordable Dentures corporate office address, phone numbers, and websites. Also, customer reviews and Affordable Dentures complaints.
How to Contact Affordable Dentures and Implants Corporate Office Headquarters HQ
Affordable Dentures and Implants – Affordable Care, LLC
Affordable Dentures Corporate Office Address
4990 Highway 70 West Kinston, North Carolina 28504 USA
Affordable Care, LLC
629 Davis Drive, Suite 300 Morrisville, NC 27560
Affordable Dentures and Implants Corporate Office Number and Customer Service Number
Affordable Dentures Phone Number: 1-252-527-6121
Corporate Office for Affordable Dentures Fax Number: 1-252-527-1157
Affordable Dentures Complaint Department: 1-800-336-8873
Affordable Care – Parent Company: 1-800-664-8212

Maps and Directions To Affordable Dentures Corporate Headquarters
Alternatives to Affordable Dentures
Affordable Dentures competition includes brands like Hudec, Aspen Dental, Bright Now Dental, and Western Dental.
Disclaimer is not affiliated with Affordable Dentures and Implants. The information on this website is for informational, review, and feedback purposes only.
Affordable Dentures and Implants does not offer refunds. However, you may call them at 1-877-254-2024. Let them know of your concern and the company should address the issue.
Yes, there have been several lawsuits regarding Affordable Dentures. Including this one in Kentucky.