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  • Reach UPS Corporate Office Headquarters

Reach UPS Corporate Office Headquarters 

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UPS corporate office is located in Georgia. More information for UPS is listed below including their address, phone number, customer reviews, and complaints.

How to Contact UPS Corporate Office Headquarters HQ

United Parcel Service

UPS Headquarters Address:

55 Glenlake Parkway, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30328 USA

UPS Corporate Phone Number:


More Phone Numbers and Contact Information:

UPS Main Office Fax Number: 1-404-828-7666
UPS Email and Chat: Contact Page
Stock Symbol: UPS
UPS Customer Support Phone Number: 1-800-742-5877
Website: UPS.com

Company Profile and Bio:

UPS is famous for shipping parcels worldwide. UPS is the largest package shipper in the world. UPS’s main competitor is FedEx, DHL, Saia, Amazon and the US Postal Service USPS. UPS also faces competition from Ontrac and JB Hunt.

UPS’s toll-free phone number is 1-800-742-5877. The company does encourage users to use its technical support system and help forums on its website.

UPS Corporate Office HQ

Maps and Directions To UPS Corporate Headquarters and UPS World Headquarters


CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not associated with UPS. This website is for information, reviews, feedback, ratings, and complaints purposes only. Information was verified by a live person. Please report any errors to the webmaster.

UPS Frustrating Experience

December 19, 2024

UPS, Lost and damage packages. UPS has gone way down hill. I have been a UPS customer for over 40 years. UPS used to have a representative you could talk to now you get the run around from customer service; in the Asia Pacific Islands. where every answer is I’m sorry & unfortunately. UPS keeps damaging and loosing packages. To file a claim in most cases takes more time then the packages are worth. So you give up and loose you proceeds and the product. $1000 worth of lost items and 2 days into trying to file a claim.


UPS Safety Issue

January 19, 2024

UPS does not care about Safety!

I saw a UPS driver run a stop sign and park illegally in a crosswalk. When I tried to contact the corporate office and perhaps send the pictures I took there wasn’t a way to do that. Maybe they have such a great safety culture because there are no consequences for not giving a s… about safety. When I asked the driver to please not run the stop sign. This was not the first time you had done so he laughed. What does that tell you about the effectiveness of UPS’ safety department?

Phil La Duke

UPS Customer Care Issue

February 20, 2025

UPS, Customer Service is not service to the customer …they frankly do not care….first they cannot locate package I paid for to hold, second will have it tracked and receive a call in 60 minutes, no calls, now they want me to call the shipper and have it reshipped or tracked by them. Have confirmation from UPS that they have package and it was being held, but they say it has not been scanned in a while so ……Total no concern for the customer…..

Jack Hamilton

UPS New Policy Concerns

February 20, 2025

UPS, New policy leads to late deliveries; must be changed. I only gave them 3 stars because typically they are on time; however, a new policy straight from the CEO punishes drivers who get stuck in the mud, snow, etc. The problem with this policy is that it leads to late deliveries and even gives lazy drivers an excuse not to deliver at all. Customers in rural areas across the US will be adversely impacted by this policy. Packages in my area were delayed over a week; some of us had to go pick up our packages, but UPS charges a per package fee to pick up at a location. Medication was spoiled due to lack of refrigeration but no claim could be filed because the late delivery was listed as a natural disaster. The undelivered packages we have experienced over the last week are directly a result of poor policy and no accountability of the drivers. I did call my local office (Sparks, NV), but the lady in package dispatch told me not to tell her how to run her business, that her driver didn’t feel safe driving the wet dirt roads and hung up on me. If you don’t want to deliver to rural areas then take us out of your service area and stop taking money for our packages.


UPS Frustrating Delivery Experience

January 19, 2025

UPS, “UPS is famous for shipping parcels worldwide”… shipping them… it says nothing about delivering them…I was supposed to get a package today that I had been waiting for. I even sacrificed an event I had to be certain to be at my address when it arrived. I saw the UPS truck pull up and so I ran out. In that short time (no more than 30 or sec), he had already taken off, and not slowly but speeding away before I could flag him down. No honking or calling (there is a sign on the gate that asks that they call if they don’t see anyone…) I then spent the rest of the day trying to get through the pathetic automated system that tries to prevent you from talking to a real person, not that that real person actually does anything to help you. Twice I was told that I would receive a call within the hour. The third time I called customer service, it was closed. And the UPS store, it was busy almost the entire time that I tried to call… and when the call did go through, there was no answer. Yes folks, you can expect this kind of great service from UPS… at least this represents the delivery history I have with UPS. So, when you think of three little letter, think DHL! That’s what I am going to do next time!

Timothy K Atmajian, M.D.
Corporate Office Headquarters