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  • Reach Meijer Corporate Office Headquarters

Reach Meijer Corporate Office Headquarters 

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Meijer’s Corporate Office in the United States is located in Walker, Michigan. Below are details about Meijer’s HQ, including their address, contact numbers, and a brief overview of the company.

How To Contact Meijer Headquarters HQ

Meijer Corporate Office: Overview

Meijer Corporate Office HQ

Maps and Direction To Meijer HQ in Grand Rapids, Michigan USA

Meijer’s Position

Meijer faces challenges from other major retailers and supermarket chains such as Walmart, Target, Publix, Albertsons and Kroger.


CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not affiliated with Meijer. This content is for informational purposes and is designed to offer a platform for reviews and user feedback.

Meijer Brand Oatmeal Issue

April 28, 2024

Bought Meijer brand oatmeal! When I opened the box oatmeal went all over my floor only to find a package of my peaches and cream side package not sealed which spilled all over in the box. I am so disappointed because it wasted not only food but also money I spent to buy it. Regardless of the cost it was my money spent and I do not waste money or food. My kids are taught the same thing. I would like to know what can be done to keep this from happening again?

Maria slingerland

Meijer Customer Service Issue

October 8, 2024

Meijer, Grocery Carts. I shop primarily at Center Road Meijer. The grocer carts are in terrible shape. However the carts at Irish Road Davison Meijer are all top notch. Are we at Center Road Meijer considered of a lesser class of people therefore we are treated differently. I have been shopping Center Road 43 years and know of what I speak. Irish Road a quite a bit newer store already has replaced all there carts. Center Road should of been on a higher priority for new carts before Irish Road. I believe there is a noticeable amount of customer types between the two stores.

Bruce Harbin

Meijer Donuts Issue

September 29, 2024

Meijer,Donuts. So went in today for donuts only to find that they have changed a few of my regulars and because of this your store has now lost my business in your bakery. As well as raised the price. Bad business.

Brian lutes

Meijer Self Checkout Issue

September 25, 2024

Meijer, Please forward to the CEO: Since you won’t staff cashiers at the multitudes of registers, we are forced to use self checkout. Start offering a worthwhile discount since we are doing the job an employee should be doing. We are not on the payroll. Do the right thing!!!


Meijer Store Location Request

September 16, 2024

I Love Meijer! The people are generally friendly and helpful. The prices reasonable and produce and meats are fresh! However, we are moving to Crawfordsville Indiana and there’s one Kroger and a Walmart on the south side of town. Nothing on the north or east. It’d be a perfect place for a Meijer. Check it out. Lots of people in the rural area. Zip is 47933!

Wynona Nunan
Corporate Office Headquarters