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  • Reach JCPenney Corporate Office Headquarters

Reach JCPenney Corporate Office Headquarters 

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JCPenney’s Corporate Office in the United States is headquartered in Plano, Texas. Below are details about JCPenney’s corporate office, including their address, contact numbers, and an overview of the company.

How To Contact JCPenney Corporate Office Headquarters

JCPenney Corporate Office: Overview – J.C. Penney Company, Inc.

JCPenney Corporate Office

Map and Directions to JCPenney Headquarters Address


JCPenney’s Competiton

Competitors include Walmart, Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Sears, Amazon, and discount retailers like T.J. Maxx and Marshalls


CorporateOfficeHeadquarters.com is not affiliated with JCPenney. This content is for informational purposes and is designed to offer a platform for reviews and user feedback.

JCPenney Corporate Office Complaints Reviews and Feedback

We encourage you to share your experiences with JCPenney’s corporate services. Your feedback in the comment section.

JCPenney Brandon FL Disappointing Issue

February 5, 2025

JCPenney, Shopping at JCPenney gave me ringworm.. On Saturday, February 1st, I tried on 3 bras at the JCPenney in Brandon, Florida and caught ringworm as a result. Those are the only things that touched my skin where the fungus developed aside from my own undergarments, which were freshly washed before I put them on. I cannot believe a store that was once considered a cornerstone retailer in the United States has devolved into what JCPenney, as they like to call themselves, has become. This is painful, embarrassing and horrific. I will Never shop at JCPenney again, and for over 4 decades it has been where I purchased well over 80% of my and my family’s clothing and shoes. Time to find a new place to shop, because I am never going back. Keep the measly 10 dollar rewards…I already spent that on a doctor’s visit and medication anyway.

Humiliated by Your Company

JCPenney Johnson City NY Disappointing

February 1, 2025

JCPenney, Very disappointed. I have worked in the retail and hospitality field for many years, and I know what good customer service is all about. I will say that I was very disappointed in the Johnson City, New York store. I had the pleasure to be waited on in jewelry by The store manager. However, I walked out of there not wanting to spend my money with JCPenney. I was looking at a Hello Kitty Necklace, I asked him the price and he gave me the after the 25% coupon. I then asked him if I could put the necklace on hold until Monday and will pay for it then. The manager said that it is their policy to only do 24 hour holds (Today is Saturday). That was only 2 days that the item will be on hold. He said if the necklace is not there when I come in on Monday that will try to order it for me and I would get the 25% coupon discount. I felt that The store manager had the power to make an exception when holding the necklace. As a sales associate you should go above and beyond to make the customer want to shop and feel happy. After, that conversation, I felt unhappy and I didn’t want to come back on Monday to get the necklace. He just lost a potential sale. Just a FYI, I had shopped in the jewelry department before and the sales lady let me put some earrings on hold for 3 days. I am very disgusted and I don’t ever want to shop at your store again.

Katina Marino

JC Penney Charleston WV Excellent

January 28, 2025

JC Penney Store in Charleston, WV. This Is A Great Store. JC Penney Needs To Maintain This Store And Keep It Open. It has a very large customer base and serves the capitol city of Charleston, West Virginia extremely well. To close this store would be a major mistake. We do not have another large retailer in the business district of downtown Charleston. JC Penney is a landmark and has a monopoly on the market here. We value access to a very reputable chain and the high-quality of merchandise it presents to its customers. JC Penney is in a prime location at the Charleston Town Center where it has foot traffic from downtown businesses, major hotels, civic centers, athletic events, festivals, and the like. Local patrons would be required to travel between 1-2 hours to another JC Penney store and these are located in lesser populated areas. It does not make sense to close this store. Please Keep This Store Open For The Good Citizens Of This City Ana State, JC Penney Great Customers, And The Employees. They are like family!!! We love the Store Manager John and his great crew including Sox (she is from Boston), Rosemarie, Barb, Tiara, Kubra, Sandy, Patty, Shannon, Perry, James, Steve and all of the salon. Charleston will be adding a large sports complex to this same locale within the Town Center. It will attract large numbers to attend major events. Please Reconsider And Keep This Store Open.

Mary Hannia

JCPenney Frustrating Online Order Issues

January 19, 2025

JCPenney, Disputed charge. In mid Nov 2024 I placed an order with JCPenney.com for store pickup, as I often do. However, instead of shipping the items to the store closest to me, Chesterfield Mall, VA, it was shipped to Southpark Mall, Colonial Hgts, VA which is about 25 miles from my home. After speaking with someone on the phone at jcp.com Southpark Mall I was assured if I didn’t pickup the goods, the order would be canceled and my JCP CC would be credited. Near the end of November, I rec’d an Email from JCPenney stating that very thing. I did Not pick up the goods, but unfortunately my JCP CC was NOT credited. Rather I received the JCP invoice with the amount of $27.59 being charged. I disputed that charge and Synchrony Bank contacted me stating they were reviewing the claim, or so they said. I supplied them with a plethora of information including 2 Emails to JCP’s Email stating my case. All I rec’d from that was the standard “thank you, we will respond shortly” which of course they never did. Since 1/1/25 I have called jcp.com at Southpark Mall no less that a dozen times, never having gotten anyone to answer the phone. Actually, I called 8 different departments one day, getting no phone pickup at all except the Salon. Apparently the only department open. Is this store closed? As a last attempt to get help, I sent a Certified Letter, Response Requested to the Gen’l Mgr of the Southpark Mall store, complete with all the information related to my claim. For some reason, this has not been delivered due to an address problem. I will probe this after the weekend. In the meantime, Synchrony Bank did not not find any information about my claim and is charging me interest. I will pay, am frustrated with the lack of JCP response.

Gene Mrava

JCPenney Store 1313 Disappointing Condition

January 10, 2025

JCPenney Store 1313 is in horrible condition. JCPenney, I went shopping at store 1313 during the Black Friday, November 30th, 2024, event and in the home department they had big yellow hanger bins collecting rain water from the roof. It was in several locations in the store and even in the walk way. Again, on January 9th, we went shopping again in the store 1313 and now it looks worse than before. The areas are caution taped off. We felt unsafe in the store, It looks as though the roof is falling in. The environment was safe and the employee that was back in that area. He was not worried about the shoppers he was concerned with his cell phone. I guess the next thing to do is contact the Health department since it seems to be a serious issue and apparently they are not concerned about the well being of their associates or customers. This Is a Serious Issue.

Ms. P
Corporate Office Headquarters